The ASR Global House Price Index provides investors with a timely picture of house price inflation.
Tracking Global house price trends is difficult – the Dallas Fed produces a measure but its quarterly data is not very timely.
The ASR Global House Price Index (HPI) uses up-to-date monthly data where available and is based on the Dallas methodology.
Our global and regional indices suggest that annual house price inflation is now negative in the US, Europe & in the ‘CANNS’.
October 2024
We estimate that Global house prices have risen by 3.0% over the past year.
House prices in the US are up 3.7% YoY but the 6m SAAR is lower at
House prices in Europe continue to show strong growth; up 5.4% YoY
despite Finland being in the negative.
The CANNS region has seen YoY house price inflation of 2.9%
ASR Global House Price Indices
Despite the importance of housing to the global economy, there is limited timely coverage of global house price inflation. While both the BIS and the Dallas Fed produce their own indices, these are quarterly data and can be up to half a year out of date.
The aim of our global index was to plug this gap for a timely, monthly series tracking global house price inflation. We attempted to mimic the Dallas Fed’s methodology, but using up-to-date, monthly series wherever possible and interpolating where not in order to create a ‘flash’ estimate of global and regional house prices.
We have created regional breakdowns and a diffusion index which not only help to give a more complete picture but also allow us to look at the latest M/M changes. Our aim is that these data will allow investors some advance warning of changes in aggregate house price momentum.
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The ASR HPI data will usually be released between the 22nd and 26th of the month, and can be delivered via .csv or SFTP. Contact our Sales team below to find out more.
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